Thank you for choosing to do business with us; you can use the form below to pay a invoice using a credit card.
Should you have any additional needs or would like to know more new products and solutions please do not hesitate to call or drop us an email.
We strive to serve our clients with excellent service; should we ever disappoint you, we hope you let us know. We’ll do everything we can to make things right.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact us.
On December 31, 2022 this payment collection service will be discontinued. Please reach out to [email protected] to register for uCollect
More Information about uCollect
uCollect is a service we use in conjunction with Stripe automates payment processing via credit cards.
This is a optional setup for clients, but streamlines the processing of credit card information.
uCollect nor Demand ITS knows your credit card information once registered, this information is all securely stored within the Stripe payment system.
- Demand ITS Generates an Invoice with a due date.
- On the due date uCollect checks to see if you are registered
- uCollect pushes the invoice details to Stripe to process the credit card
- The payment is applied to the invoice and you are emailed a receipt
The Invitation email from uCollect looks like this:
After Creating your account, you can pay an invoice or setup automatic collection
The automatic collection screen