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PCL Construction LLC

PCL Construction LLC is a 110-year-old company focused on building industrial structures. To remain relevant, they needed to embrace digital change. When constructing the Stantec Tower, the largest building outside of Toronto in Canada, the company employed a suite of sensors that sent live feedback so they could monitor progress without having to visit the 483 units under construction.

You have access to the same set of capabilities as PCL. At Demand ITS Inc., we can help you leverage your IoT devices to drive transformation within your business. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

PCL Construction LLC uses IoT to connect their management with their jobsites. The devices alert builders and management to issues with construction. With the sensors, they can monitor the temperature, humidity, and pressure in over 483 units, something that would normally be done by hand. Now they can focus workers on more important things that drive value back to the company. At Demand ITS Inc., we can help you deliver the same results. Contact us today to learn more.